Reiki Level One Certification

In preparation for the upcoming Reiki Level One Attunement, here are some guidelines.

Reiki Level One Certification

As with any instructions or suggestions remember you are an adult and these are not requirements, but opportunities to prepare your energy body for the session ahead.

Suggestions for dietary and lifestyle changes:

It is often best to refrain from heavy meats and alcohol for three days prior to the training. If you can go meatless for those three days that is preferable, but if not possibly chicken or fish. A heaviness in your stomach can interfere with the lightness of your energy. Alcohol or other energy altering drugs also can interfere. Refraining from caffeine is also suggested. As much as possible, get a good night’s sleep. Energy work can often take a lot out of you.

Please bring with you:

If you have a pendulum please bring it. There are some available for purchase and a few to borrow. You are invited to bring other stones also. We will break for a quick 20 or 30 minute lunch, so if you have something prepared bring it. There is no refrigerator at the studio or microwave. Water is provided.

What is Provided:

All your yoga gear is provided and you will spend a majority of the time on the floor or on a chair. Wear comfortable clothing. We will be doing several meditations and exercising your energy body on the mat.

Reiki Emphasis:

This course emphasizes Reiki. Some have had additional training in other modalities but for this certification the concentration will be Reiki. Please be respectful and mindful of this during the Reiki Share.

Reiki Share Requirement:

We will be doing a review and practicum after the training with a Reiki Share. This is part of your certification. There is not a test but there is a hands on application of what you have learned.


Check in time is 8:15 am. Class will start at 8:30 am SHARP! We have a lot of information that would be better served in a longer format so we will make every minute count!


If you have any questions or concerns please let me know and I am happy to answer or find the answer. I look forward to having you a part of the special training. My contact information is Pam Doerr at or call at (907) 521-2255.

““A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”

— Eric Micha’el Leventha