Healing Services

If you are ready to experience an emotional shift and move into more joy, then these treatments are an invitation towards this state of being. Each session creates a safe space for you to let go of that which you are ready to release and create new openings in your life.

  • Dry Brushing can be added for an additional fee. It is beneficial to each client prior to the Abhyanga Treatment.

  • It is recommended that you avoid stimulating activities and screens for a bit after the treatment.

AK Namaste Offerings

  • Aromatouch - $80

    Aromatouch Technique is an application of essential oil to the back and feet. This technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties. Combined with Reiki, Sound therapy, crystals frequency, this is a soothing and detoxing treatment.

  • Heart Basti - $100

    A dough ring is placed on the chest over the heart center and filled with warm herbal and essential oils to create a portal for healing the physical and emotional heart. The session includes chakra balancing, Reiki and marma therapy to open the energetic body. Sound therapy and a crystal eye mask are brought into the session for a deep release and heart healing.

  • Abhyanga Therapy - $90

    Abhyanga therapy is a traditional full body lymphatic treatment with herbal oils. The treatment melts away tension & relaxes muscles, bones, joints and tendons.
    Heated oils (sesame, olive and coconut if requested) infused with chevron amethyst and poured through copper and silver cup are the base for the session. Essential oils are added as intuitively selected. This treatment reverses signs of aging by nourishing skin and deeper body tissues. Lymphatic therapy movements help squeeze out toxic accumulation from channels. It is beneficial for acute and chronic stress, anxiety, emotional trauma, insomnia, feelings of ungroundedness, nervous system conditions, aging and more.  In Ayurveda, oil or “sneha” brings an insulating energy of love and comfort, so this session is a wonderful way to treat oneself to self love and self care.  The session includes chakra balancing, Reiki and marma therapy to open the energetic body. Sound therapy and a crystal eye mask are brought into the session for a deep release of anxiety and stress.

  • Ancient Practices

    From Shamanic Journeying to Cord Cutting, modalities to adjoin your personal journey and wellness through sacred space. This often an added services to an existing therapy. Cost of Service depends on the need.

  • Home Consultations Transformations $250

    Offering Transformative Home and Business color consultations and home staging (for home sellers). Price depends on the home or business. Contact for an estimate.


Donations accepted for Classes and Community Events